The Problem:
Local plumbing distributor required solutions for their HDPE pipes. HDPE is an abbreviation for High-Density Polyethylene, a form of plastic that is widely utilized in a range of applications. It is a versatile material recognized for its strength, durability, and chemical resistance. 3D printer filament, chemical containers, electrical and plumbing boxes, toys, food storage containers, naval items, and outdoor signs are all examples of HDPE usage. Reclaim Plastics was contacted by a local plumbing company for two (2) specific reasons. First, Reclaim Plastics was quick to respond, quick to attend to the needs of the Clients. Second, Reclaim plastics created customize recycle solutions and created reports and feedback for their company.
The Solution:
Reclaim Plastics received a sample of the material from client. Once received, the material was then analyze by Reclaim Plastics’ very own state-of-the-art laboratory to confirm the polymer composition further. Afterwards, a customized recycling program was performed to handle the logistics and recycling of the material. After the plan was arranged, the material was sent by the client using a truck via appointment. Once received, the pipes were sized-reduced and shredded using a cutting-edge four shaft shredder, and afterwards, granulated into smaller pieces for a HDPE regrind was converted from a waste stream into a new material input.
The Outcome:
Reclaim plastics took care of a customized recycling solution for our local plumbing companies. The service included the following:
- Created solutions for the logistics of the client. (i.e. Transportation arrangement, Yard space for storage)
- Material Analysis to confirm the polymer composition and arrangement
- Plastic size-reduction using a four shaft shredder and further dwindling it using our granulator at Reclaim’s facility in Burnaby
Overall, plumbing companies with HDPE Pipes accomplished redirecting these pipes to the landfill and saving space for their current projects and Reclaim Plastics was able to perform to what was expected, achieving circular economy and providing sustainability and waste solutions.
At Reclaim Plastics, we’re always innovative and creative with our customize recycling solutions. Contact us and discover what recycling solution would fit your industrial recycling needs.